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About Mike Hyter
Introducing Global Novations
On April 19, 2010, Global Lead joined Novations to create "Global Novations."
Employee Un-Engagement: A Global Phenomenon that Can Be Fixed
Michael Hyter is the newest interview in Fast Company's Recovering Leader series, dedicated to exploring what leaders can expect of their would-be followers as opportunities open up in the nascent recovery.
Who's Still Biased? Diversity training critics.
All training implementations, not just diversity training, should:
  • Have clearly-defined standards of behaviors that are identified prior to training (via an effective assessment process) paired with training that addresses specific skills against that standard.
The PLUS Equation: Diversity + Inclusion = Innovation
Thanks to research and first-hand experience, organizations across all industries are increasingly tuned into the reality that inclusion leads to engagement and engagement leads to innovation.
The Power of Inclusion (from the Diversity Summit for the San Diego County Urban League)
My conversation with this group reinforced one of the major findings of a recent study Novations completed in conjunction with Linkage: over the last 10 years, there have been great strides in moving away from an emphasis on legal compliance and towards an emphasis on building an inclusive organization where everyone can succeed. However, in spite of that progress, there is still insufficient understanding and support of the business case.
Celebrating the Power of Inclusion
I will be among many top diversity and inclusion leaders as the Urban League of San Diego County holds its Third Annual Diversity Summit & Equal Opportunity Awards this week. The theme of this year's event is The Power of Inclusion.
You Are the Key: Owning Your Development in Any Environment
Recently I spoke to a group of people whom one would think would be operating at maximum capacity all the time: the National Naval Officers' Association.
Preparing for the turn-around
In a recent message to our clients I shared that the economy is showing signs of stabilizing and businesses are starting to prepare for improvement.
Preventing a Diversity & Inclusion Recession in Your Organization
How can I worry about inclusion in the middle of a downsizing economy?
"Babyfaced Black CEO's" and preferential treatment
Perfectly decent people who claim that they don't discriminate often respond and react to situations with their learned biases.

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