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About Mike Hyter
The Starbucks Diversity Leadership Team from the New England Region was introduced to The Power of Inclusion at a race relations conference in Boston, Massachusetts. The book has been a great read and I highly recommend it. But the book is more than just enjoyable, it has many thought-provoking ideas and themes. We plan to use some of our learning to enhance the way we embrace diversity and create greater development opportunities for all of our partners.
Karen Gaudet
New England Regional Director
Starbucks Coffee Company

Diversity and inclusion are among the most challenging tasks an executive is faced with these days. This book does a great job of helping the reader understand why this is important and what to do about it.
Bart Butzer
Formerly Executive Vice President for Stores
Target Corporation

Mike Hyter and Judy Turnock describe with precision and clarity the next step on the journey from diversity to inclusion. This book is a must read for anyone interested in helping corporations compete more successfully in the global economy.
Price M. Cobbs, M.D.
My American Life: From Rage to Entitlement

Mike Hyter's new book resonates with my belief that diversity and inclusion are critical elements in any company's long-term success. Doing this right goes beyond having a strategic understanding of the topic, but requires a process that companies can follow. This book helps provide the trail-map.
Sally Jewell
President and CEO
REI (Recreational Equipment, Inc.)

Finally a straight forward approach! You've taken a complex, multi-faceted subject and made it practical, implementable and measurable. Here's why it is critical for organizations to focus on the people side of the employment equation, because failure to do so threatens our ability to remain competitive.
O. Redia Anderson
Formerly Chief Diversity Officer, National Principal, Diversity & Inclusion

The Power of Inclusion brings much-needed transparency: the lack of full inclusion or full human capital engagement is a direct drain on shareholder value.
Ronald C. Parker
Senior Vice President, Human Resources
PepsiCo North America

Finally, here is a book on implementing organizational diversity strategy that is practical and action oriented rather than abstract theorizing. It is a must read for any CEO or general manager who wants to address diversity and inclusion in a strategic and sustainable manner.
David A. Thomas, H. Naylor Fitzhugh
Professor of Business Administration and Senior Associate Dean
Harvard Business School

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