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Book Synopsis
The Power of Inclusion: Unlock the Potential and Productivity of Your Workforce
By Michael C. Hyter and Judith L. Turnock

This book lays out a pragmatic framework for eliminating the widespread waste of human capital in many corporations: develop the capabilities of all employees. Concrete strategies, developed over years of experience as corporate consultants, provide a clear path to inclusive organizational policies and procedures, strategic leadership, and managerial practices.

Chapter Overviews

This book describes the strategic and operational shifts in processes that will create a culture of development, capable of unleashing the potential of your workforce. Building this new inclusive culture of development does not require inventing a whole new system of people management. It just means shifting focus. Instead of concentrating development opportunities and support on a select few, we suggest companies give those same benefits to everyone. We have organized the book so readers can go directly to those chapters addressing their particular interest, perspective, expertise, or challenge.
Introduction: The Business Imperative

Chapter One: Two Models of Development

Chapter Two: Overcoming Barriers to Inclusive Development

Chapter Three: Managing Inclusion

Chapter Four: Strategic Leadership

Chapter Five: Aligning Human Resources with a Culture of Development

Chapter Six: Jumpstarting Inclusion: Establishing the Infrastructure

Chapter Seven: Inclusion in the Global Economy

Chapter Eight: Measuring Results

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