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San Diego Urban League Presentation
Mike Hyter
Mike Hyter's Power of Inclusion presentation to the San Diego Urban League, November 2009
The Changing Face of Diversity
The new complete Changing Face of Diversity and Inclusion study reflects the ten-year shift in the way businesses approach diversity and inclusion. The full report reflects the changing nature of diversity and inclusion in the global economy provides valuable information from top practitioners to help you:
  • Develop and communicate the relevant business case for your organization
  • Involve leadership in regular diversity and inclusion activities
  • Measure before and after data of diversity and inclusion initiatives
  • Explore what diversity and inclusion looks like within a global context
  • Leverage the multigenerational workforce
Power of Inclusion Synopsis
A brief sample and synopsis of The Power of Inclusion.
Meritocracy: Responding to the Myth
By Michael Hyter, President & CEO, Novations Group, Inc.
Many senior-level executives believe that their organizations are "true" meritocracies where the "gifted" rise to the top as a result of a fair process. Ironically, women and people of color in those same companies tell me that the environment is far from fair or inclusive to them. They feel that developmental opportunities and promotions are not based on merit, but are reserved for a few.

This contradiction in perceptions raises two questions. "Do most companies truly have a meritocracy?" and "Is it in the best interests of an organization to strive for a system of meritocracy?" I believe the answer is "no."
10 Elements for Creating a World-class Corporate Diversity and Inclusion Program
By Michael Hyter, President & CEO, Novations Group, Inc.
Most organizations today understand the necessity of inclusion for fully tapping into everyone's contributions. Inclusion of a wide variety of people helps the organization meet the needs of an increasingly diverse, global marketplace. There are ten keys for organizations that want to ensure that their diversity initiatives are planned and implemented to attract and leverage the contributions of a broad pool of talent.
The Hard Side of Diversity and Inclusion: How Effective Managers Drive Better Business Results
By Courtney M. Rogers, Novations Group, Inc.
By analyzing the results of leadership effectiveness assessments on thousands of managers, we discovered compelling implications about inclusion, and what a difference "extraordinary" leaders can make in real business outcomes. We found that the level of a manger's inclusiveness is a strong predictor of their overall effectiveness
From Inclusion to High Performance
By Michael Hyter and Maureen Giovannini, PhD.
Why is it that, even after years of diversity and inclusion initiatives, many organizations still fall short of their key objectivethe representation of talent from diverse groups at all levels supported by a corporate culture of career development and high performance for all employees? This article draws upon Novations' 30 years of consulting and research experience to answer that question and offer solutions that companies can implement to maximize the capacity for high performance among their employees, with specific reference to traditionally underrepresented groups.
The Power of Inclusion Discussion Guide
The Power of Inclusion provides a starting point for discussions about the way we embrace diversity. The thought-provoking ideas and themes help create greater development opportunities for all. Use the Discussion Guide at your team meetings. Study independently or form book groups. The questions will guide and inspire your exploration of the power of inclusion.

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